ACEC, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation Malaysia, and UITM to Collaborate and Promote Regional Digital Economy

Tuesday March 01, 2022

March 01, 2022

News Info

ACEC, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation Malaysia, and UITM to Collaborate and Promote Regional Digital Economy


On 1 March 2022, an MoU Signing Ceremony was held between the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation Sabah (KSTI) and Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) Sabah as a booster and impetus to enhance the collaboration that has already taken place and provide more benefits to both parties. The MoU was officially signed by Zainudin Bin Aman, Permanent Secretary of KSTI, and Datuk Prof. Dr. Hj. Abdul Kadir Bin Rosline, Rector of UiTM Sabah.

Picture 1: The MoU was officially signed by Zainudin Bin Aman, Permanent Secretary of KSTI (Left), and Datuk Prof. Dr. Hj. Abdul Kadir Bin Rosline, Rector of UiTM Sabah (Right).


The ceremony started with an opening speech by Datuk Zainal Abidin bin Abu Hassan, Secretary General of Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI). He said that the collaboration will focus on commercialization support for local technology practitioners, thus promoting the development of the IoT industry and the success of research efforts in Sabah.

In the second speech, Datuk Haji Yakub Khan, minister of Science, Technology, and Innovation Sabah (KSTI) mentioned that through the implementation of the strategic plan KSTI 2022-2025, it will strengthen the science, technology and innovation (STI) ecosystem between government agencies, academia, industry and society. Second, it will drive the development of digital infrastructure and technology towards a creative, innovative and competitive society. Third, it will manage competent and adaptive human capital in the STI field through R&D activities and smart governance. To implement this strategic plan, National Technology & Innovation Sandbox (NTIS) was launched in this event with the collaboration between KSTI and MRANTI to promote cooperation from various government and private ministries/agencies. He also hoped to create a more conducive, dynamic and sustainable ecosystem in supporting growth and accelerating the development of high technology.

Picture 2: Datuk Haji Yakub Khan, Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Sabah gave his speech in the ceremony.

In the ceremony, Datuk Haji Yakub Khan clearly stated that the purpose of the MoU signing between KSTI and UiTM Sabah was to carry out an international dialogue with the Asia China Education and Culture (ACEC) Association. This collaboration will involve universities and higher institutions in China regarding the potential to collaborate in the development of science and technology in Sabah. Besides, connecting KSTI with all UiTM strategic partners to improve the quality of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) based programs to a global standard.

Picture 3: Datuk Haji Yakub Khan, Minister of Science, Technology, and Innovation Sabah (KSTI) gave his speech and explained the aim of MoU between KSTI and UiTM.

ACEC Association will collaborate with UiTM and KSTI to promote scientific and technological innovation in industry and academia in Malaysia and China, further strengthen the academic collaboration between Malaysia and China, and make more cross-regional academic collaboration in the foreseen future.

Picture 4:  Zainudin Bin Aman, Permanent Secretary of KSTI (Left), and Datuk Prof. Dr. Hj. Abdul Kadir Bin Rosline, Rector of UiTM Sabah (Right) took picture together after signing MoU





3月1日下午,沙巴科学、工艺与革新部(KSTI)和马来西亚玛拉工艺大学(UiTM) 签署了谅解备忘录,旨在为双方科技力量的交流与发展创造新条件,搭建友好交流的新桥梁,达成合作共赢的新局面。该谅解备忘录是在出席代表的见证下,由沙巴科学、工艺与革新部常务秘书再努丁先生和马来西亚玛拉工艺大学 (沙巴校区)校长拿督阿都卡迪教授正式签署。





仪式演讲环节,马来西亚沙巴科学、工艺与革新部部长拿督雅古汉先生明确表示,在该部和马来西亚玛拉工艺大学达成签署谅解备忘录的过程中,亚洲一带一路文化教育合作促进会扮演了重要的桥梁纽带角色。他衷心希望能够通过此次合作,进一步钻研探讨中国高等院校和沙巴在科学技术发展与合作上的创造性。此外,通过ACEC,建设国际产学研平台,把志同道合的的中国高校沙巴科学、工艺与革新部以及玛拉工艺大学联系起来,参与的各方可结集更丰富的研究资源,并可优化研究资源的使用, 以达到全面性提升科学技术和创新项目的质量。


