Friday October 22, 2021
News Info
On Thursday, October 22, 2021, the Guilin University of Electronic Technology (GUET), the Asia China Education & Culture (ACEC) Association, and Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UiTM) conducted the first English language enhancement course for teachers. The online course was supported by 52 participants from the GUET, ACEC, and UiTM. The training aims to improve the English language skills of the university's teachers, improve their research skills, and improve internationalization, as well as to improve the international competitiveness of the university.
The enhancement course was also supported by UiTM, where Associate Professor Zhong Xiumei shared her expectations for graduate students and various graduate student tutorials, and also emphasized that international cooperation with Chinese universities includes cooperation between tutors and graduate students in research, and expressed her appreciation for the cooperation platform given by ACEC.
The Global Study Center Program, which was established in cooperation with ACEC Association and UiTM, aims to provide students with a series of counseling programs during the postgraduate period and for graduation. The program includes English language skills improvement courses, guidance on preparing research proposals (application versions), guidance on interviewing and communicating with supervisors, and improvement of defending skills. With the full range of counseling courses given by a team of professional university lecturers and advisors, students will complete their degrees within the standard deadline.
China-ASEAN Information Harbor Electronic Information Talent Training and Technology Innovation Alliance are established by ACEC, Guangxi Big Data Development Bureau, and the Department of Education of the autonomous region in cooperation with GUET. Aiming to promote digital interconnection, China will take Guangxi as the pivot point of the information hub with ASEAN to build the "Digital Silk Road" to enhance technical cooperation and demonstration traction, Guangxi is accelerating the construction of an international communication corridor facing ASEAN to serve southwest and south-central China, a regional international big data resource application service hub, and a new generation of information technology innovation and application demonstration highland, China-ASEAN regional cooperation center for humanities exchange, and better serve the all-round cooperation between China and ASEAN. The Alliance aims to enhance the interconnection of education, sublimate talent cultivation and realize education synthesis.
亚洲一带一路文化教育合作促进会与大学合作成立的课程项目GLOBAL STUDY CENTER PROGRAM旨在为学员提供研究生期间以及毕业条件的系列辅导课程。当中包含了英语能力提升课程,研究方案(申请版)编写指导,面试与导师交流指导,答辩技巧能力提升等。借着大学讲师,顾问等专业团队所给予的全方位辅导课程,学员将在标准的期限内完成学位。
中国-东盟信息港电子信息人才培养与科技创新联盟是由亚洲一带一路文化教育合作促进会、广西大数据发展局和自治区教育厅与桂林电子科技大学合作设立。旨在推动数字互联互通,中国将广西作为和东盟信息枢纽支点,打造“数字丝绸之路”,以增强技术合作与示范牵引,广西正在加快建设面向东盟服务西南中南的国际通信大通道、区域性国际大数据资源应用服务枢纽、打造面向东盟的新一代信息技术 创新与应用示范高地、中国—东盟人文交流区域合作中心,更好地服务中国与东盟全方位合作。联盟旨在提升教育的互联互通,升华人才培养,实现教育综合。