Launching Ceremony of Halal Products Research Centre and UiTM Global Study Center@BWU

Tuesday October 12, 2021

admin October 12, 2021

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Launching Ceremony of Halal Products Research Centre and UiTM Global Study Center@BWU

October 12, launching ceremony of Halal Products Research Centre and UiTM Global Study Cente@BWU have successfully held in Beijing Wuzi University, China. As an international cultural and educational cooperation platform covering the Asian region, ACEC is an international cooperation organization linking universities and higher education centers between China and Malaysia.

The Halal Products Research Centre was inaugurated by The Right Honorable Chief Minister of Sarawak at the Universiti Teknologi Mara (Sarawak Branch) on 18 November 2020 and has now developed into a transnational industry-academia-research collaboration center, while the establishment of the UiTM Global Study Center in Beijing by all parties extends the collaboration to overseas postgraduate teaching and exchange. The Halal Products Research Centre is a collaborative programme between the Universiti Teknologi MARA(UiTM) Sarawak Branch, Beijing Wuzi University (BWU) and the Asia China Education and Culture Association (ACEC), which aims to enhance cooperation between both countries in the halal industry chain, as well as collaborate with industry organizations to translate research results and create opportunities to bring quality products from both sides to a wider international market. On the other hand, the UiTM Global Study Center@BWU is a partnership between UiTM and GCC to connect UiTM with the wider intellectual community in and around Beijing by providing services such as English intensive courses, research methodology workshops and etc.

Prof. Dr. He Mingke,Vice President of BWU and representative from BWU; YBhg Professor Dato Dr. Jamil bin Haji Hamali, Rector of UiTM Sarawak Branch and Mr. Yang Chencheng, Executive Regional Director of ACEC officiating the Halal Products Research Centre and UiTM Global Study Center@BWU Launching Ceremony

It is our honorable pleasure to have our guests to witnessted the launching ceremony. Special thanks to the Vice President of BWU, Prof. Dr. He Mingke, Rector of UiTM Sarawak Branch, YBhg Professor Dato Dr. Jamil bin Haji Hamali and Dean of Ming Yuan Institute, Shanghai Jiaoda Education Group, Zhou Jun Ru. Zhou Junru said that he would bring in the superior educational and research resources of Shanghai Jiaotong University to participate in the UiTM Global Study Center education and research project cooperation to make this project a success. We hope to provide more opportunities for cooperation in the future and work together to train more international talents and promote the common development of the regional economy.


清真产品研究中心和 UiTM Global Study Center@BWU开幕仪式

2021年10月12日(星期二),清真产品研究中心和UiTM Global Study Center@BWU教育中心在中国北京物资大学成功举办开幕仪式。作为覆盖亚洲地区的国际文化教育合作平台,ACEC是一个连接中国和马来西亚大学和高等教育中心的国际合作机构。


2020年11月18日由砂拉越首席部长在玛拉工艺大学(砂拉越校区)为国际清真产品研究中心开幕,现该中心已发展形成跨国的产学研合作中心,同时各方此次在北京设立UiTM Global Study Center,将合作扩大到海外研究生教学及交流领域。清真产品研究中心是由玛拉工艺大学砂拉越校区、北京物资学院和亚洲一带一路文化教育合作促进会(ACEC)的合作项目,旨在增强两国在清真产业链方面的合作,同时与产业机构合作将科研成果转化,创造机会将双方优质产品推向更广阔的国际市场。另一方面,UiTM Global Study Center@BWU是UiTM和GCC的合作项目,通过提供英语学术强化课程、基础研究方法研讨会等服务,将UiTM与北京及周边地区的广大知识界联系起来。

北京物资大学副校长何明珂教授和团队代表,玛拉工艺大学砂拉越校区校长,拿督贾米尔教授及亚洲一带一路文化教育合作促进会执行董事杨程成共同为清真产品研究中心和UiTM Global Study Center@BWU举行开幕仪式

亚洲一带一路文化教育合作促进会荣幸邀请数位重要嘉宾见证开幕仪式。特别感谢北京物资大学副校长何明珂教授、玛拉工艺大学砂拉越校区校长拿督贾米尔教授以及上海交通大学教育集团明源学院院长周俊儒。周俊儒院长表示将引进上海交大的优势教育与科研资源参与UiTM Global Study Center教育科研项目合作,使这个项目得以成功,并希望能够在未来提供更多的合作机会,共同培养出更多的国际人才,促进地区经济共同发展。