2nd International Conference on Innovative Sciences and Technologies for Research and Education (InnoSTRE) 2021

Saturday June 12, 2021

admin June 12, 2021

News Info

2nd International Conference on Innovative Sciences and Technologies for Research and Education (InnoSTRE) 2021

This year, the colloquium will be extended to international level in order to promote the development goals of Industrial Revolution 4.0. In addition, this conference aims to provide researchers, especially young researchers, to niche their academic studies with the ever-changing technological environment for better improvement in their respective specialized areas and it is very useful even after they have graduated.Everyone followed the SOP for prevention of Covid-19 during the 1st InnoSTRE


The radical uncertainty arising from crises triggered by Covid-19 pandemic has caused ripple effect on every aspect of human life. Loss of income, impoverishments, stretching of healthcare system, and supply-chain shortages will be just a few of the lasting issues. InnoSTRE 2021 through its myriad spectrum of topics allows scholars and practitioners to disseminate novel research and embark on a broad exchange of ideas that can potentially act as catalysts for solving impending global challenges and prompting new discourse.


2021年第二届中国-东盟科研与教育合作交流大会 (InnoSTRE) 暨 “一带一路” 高校东盟巡回展线上大会



有新冠肺炎引发的危机所带来的不确定性已经对人类生活的各个方面产生了连锁反应。收入损失、贫困化、医疗系统紧张和供应链的短缺只是其中的几个持久的问题。InnoSTRE 2021通过其广泛的主题,使学者和从业人员能够分享新的研究,并广泛的交流彼此的想法,从而有可能成为解决即将到来的全球挑战和促进新的讨论的催化剂。