Video conference on collaboration between ACEC Association and Cardiff University

Saturday May 15, 2021

admin May 15, 2021

News Info

Video conference on collaboration between ACEC Association and Cardiff University

            On Friday 23 April 2021, ACEC held an online meeting with Cardiff University to discuss collaboration.

            Both parties will be working on short term mobility programmes of around 2 to 4 weeks, as well as a semester or full year credit exchange programme for undergraduate students at Cardiff University.

Both parties will also work together credit transfer programmes. Students will be able to complete part of their studies in the local university before moving to the UK to complete their studies.

            In addition, ACEC and Cardiff University are also working on a joint undergraduate postgraduate programme. Students will spend three years of their undergraduate studies at a local university followed by one year of study at Cardiff University to gain a deeper experience of the way of teaching and culture of Cardiff University. Students can then stay at Cardiff University to complete 1 year of postgraduate study.

            Cardiff University will also assist students with weak English by arranging a 12-week pre-sessional intensive English course, after which students shall pass an examination and admitted to the university.






