Saturday May 08, 2021
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Video conference on collaboration between ACEC Association and University of Southampton Malaysia
On Thursday, April 29th, 2021, an online meeting between ACEC Association and University of Southampton Malaysia held to discuss collaboration.
The meeting attended by the Executive Regional Director of ACEC Association, Mr. Yang Chengcheng, Secretary General of ACEC association, Ms. Siti Farah, Head of International Talent Training Program of ACEC Association, Ms. Grace Lee, and Project Coordinator of ACEC Association, Ms. Nur Amirah, alongside with Pro Vice-Chancellor (ASEAN) and Chief Executive Officer of University of Southampton Malaysia, Professor Rebecca Taylor and Professor of University of Southampton Malaysia, Dr. Grace Chai Mei Ting.
The meeting’s agenda consisted of profile Introduction from ACEC Association and University of Southampton, following by discussion about the collaboration between the two parties in student internships, mobility programmes, international student recruitment and intensive English classes. The meeting ended with photo sessions and giving a token of appreciation. The photo session
与会人员有亚洲 “一带一路” 文化教育合作促进会中国区执行会长杨程成、秘书长 Siti Farah、国际合作人才培养项目负责人Grace Lee、项目协调员Nur Amirah,以及南安普顿大学副校长(亚太区)兼马来西亚校区首席执行官Rebecca Taylor教授和马来西亚南安普顿大学教授Grace Chai博士。
Rebecca Taylor 教授介绍南安普顿大学