RCEP China-ASEAN Cross-cultural Programme Opening Ceremony;“RCEP中国-东盟跨文化项目”开幕仪式

Saturday September 17, 2022

September 17, 2022

News Info

On 17th September 2022, ACEC Association and the Universiti Technologi MARA (UiTM) jointly held the "RCEP China-ASEAN Cross-Cultural Programme" online opening ceremony. This programme will be held from 14th September to 19th November 2022. It aims to help students and teachers from China and ASEAN countries to understand each other's culture and customs, and learn how to integrate into the cooperation scenarios of different cultural backgrounds. The activity was jointly developed by ACEC, Universiti Technologi MARA and scholars from other universities in China and ASEAN countries.
Ma Shuang, Head of the International Exchanges Department of Liaoning University, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Shahriman Zainal Abidin, Assistant Vice-Chancellor of UiTM, Prof. Dato’ Dr. Nor Azazi Zakaria, Director of the Engineering Campus of the Universiti Sains Malaysia, Prof. Datuk Dr. Kahiruddin Ab Hamid, Vice-Chancellor of the University of Technology Sarawak, Prof. MADYA Dr. Muhammad Ramlee bin Kamarudin, Director of the International Office of the Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mazura @ Mastura Binti Muhammad – Dean Faculty of Language And Communication of Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris, Dr. Anusara Sawangchai, Director of International Affairs Office of Phuket Rajabhat University, Dr. Ana Marquiza, Director of International Affairs Office of Visayas State University, and other universities representatives and students attended the opening ceremony of the event.
Prof. Shahriman delivered a speech on behalf of the organizers at the ceremony. He expected this cross-cultural programme to guide all attendees with additional knowledge, that might benefit all attendees to understand the different cultures. He also believes that all attendees will start a new journey and often have to deal with a challenging situations. The event introduced the course content and process details of the cross-cultural project in detail, including the history, food, clothing, art, music, and tourist attractions of China and ASEAN countries.

2022年9月17日,亚洲一带一路文化 教育合作促进会(ACEC)与马来西亚玛拉工艺大学(UiTM)联合举办“RCEP中国-东盟跨文化项目”线上开幕仪式。本次“RCEP中国-东盟跨文化项目”课程将于2022年9月14日至11月19日进行。此项目旨在帮助来自中国与东盟国家的学生与教师相互了解文化与风俗,学习如何融入不同文化背景的合作场景。活动由ACEC、玛拉工艺大学以及其他中国与东盟国家高校的学者共同研发。

